
Wednesday, February 10, 2016

New Blog! Fresh Start!

Back to the blogging world!

Brief (or not so brief) intro about me....

I used to be a blogger (Check it out if you so please, although photos have been removed - I enjoyed blogging. It connected me with some wonderful people, kept me motivated, and essentially I just enjoyed documenting my adventures. It's been almost 4 years though.

Life threw me some curves that took me away from fitness and I travelled down a dark road for a while that found me coming home from work and crashing on the couch with a bottle or more of wine, more nights that I probably care to admit. The start would have been some running injuries (that I'm still fighting with), a weight gain of over 50 lbs, and most notably losing my mom to cancer in 2014.

Summer 2014, trying to appear smaller. Not successful lol

Before all that hit I was a fairly avid runner. I've run a few 5Ks, numerous 10Ks, one half marathon and then while training for a marathon and getting to a training run of 22 miles I developed plantar fasciitis. And therein is the beginning of my demise. To date I have not successfully beat this creature. Gaining weight and getting older surely hasn't helped.

I have been to a multitude of chiropractors. The only one that ever gave me relief, practices NUCCA which is essentially the aligning of the upper vertebrae in your neck which allows the rest of your body to align properly. When I haven't been for a while, my one leg is over half an inch longer than the other, and my hip is lifted and shoulder dropped. You can imagine how this must impact your body when running, right? I also have a beautiful pair of $500 orthotics (you have no idea how old that makes me feel to admit that....). I wear the best shoes I can find and have been regularly assessed to find the best fit. And I also have a pair of compression socks that I've yet to decide if they actually help.  I'm currently suffering from tight calves and severe shin pain in both legs, and hip flexor and lower back/hip pain on one side. If I was a horse I'd be shot!

Sadly a fairly common day at work, icing my shins

But somehow I'm still determined that I will manage to get through this problem. I've dropped about 15 lbs from my highest weight. Currently losing inches. Working on strength and stretching, and trying to gradually build up with running.

Although I've had a multitude of "returns to fitness" over the last few years, this most recent attempt seems to be the most successful. I've gone from sitting on my butt essentially all day every day, to exercising a minimum of 5 days a week. I feel now is the time I can truly start calling this a comeback, rather than just another "day 1".

Herein begins my return to blogging which I anticipate will be a little more entertaining :D

1 comment:

  1. HEIDI! So happy to see you back at blogging.

    I didn't know about your Mom, I'm sorry for your loss.

    And the injuries, sorry to hear that too. I remember back then that the injuries started to bother you.

    Anyway, I'm glad you are back.

    My blog has changed over the years. Right now I'm more into hiking and cooking than into running. I still run but still doing a C25K plan. Had to start all over again.
